The Pittecroft Trust
A registered charity
No 294174

   A small charitable trust with a very general charitable remit.
It is exceedingly rare for the Trustees to respond to unsolicited requests for support.  

The trust has assisted over the years in a very modest way in:

  • Providing a Royal Aeronautical Society prize for quiet aircraft design
  • Contributing to the setting up of an unsegregated school in Northern Ireland
  • Converting a GLC Residual Body grant into computers for an environmental charity
  • Assisted Natural England set up and publicise a path structure training facility at Aston Rowant Nature Reserve
  • Supporting improved access in town and countryside
  • Providing computers and computer support for various charities
  • Making various small specific grants to a community Museum
  • Giving small donations to charitable causes as the trustees see fit
# by Defra:
Authorising Structures (gaps gates and stiles) on rights of way
Defra's good practice guidance for local authorities on compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
This is a copy of Defra's guidance put here for ease of access.  (Issued October 2010 version 1)

# by Pittecroft Trust:
The trustees would be pleased to hear suggestions for improvement to the two following 'understanding' guides. Please email us with suggestions or any other comment.

Understanding the Defra guidance on Public Path Structures
The Pittecroft Trust's introduction to the Defra guidance   (Last updated May 2012 version 3d)

Understanding Gaps Gates Stiles. British Standard BS5709.
Note this is NOT the Standard itself, just a simplified guide to it
(Last updated September 2024)

# by Others:
The trustees would be pleased to hear comment on this Ownership document.
Ownership of public paths   (Last updated 1st March 2012)

Specifying path structures

Equality Act 2010 and BS 5709   (published July 2013)
The impact of the Equality Act and BS 5709 on public path furniture

Please email us with suggestions or any other comments.
